Q1. Whale of a time
(a) To marry
(b) Enjoy a lot
(c) To regret
(d) A bad memory
Q2. An Ananias
(a) A Liar
(b) A man with lots of money
(c) An irritating person
(d) An important person
Q3. Wrap one’s brain around
(a) To not mix with others
(b) To scratch one’s head
(c) Concentrate on something to understand.
(d) To get aggressive
Q4. Bee-line
(a) The shortest distance between two places
(b) To be apart by maximum distance
(c) To fight for one’s rights
(d) To act unfairly in a contest
Q5. To be snowed under
(a) To be in a dilemma
(b) To be very busy
(c) To be under suspicion
(d) To be at a cold place
Q6. Think the world of
(a) To go on a world trip
(b) Admire someone very much
(c) To earn excessively
(d) Not for any reason
Q7. Kitty Corner
(a) Diagonally across
(b) To understand the details
(c) To get confused
(d) To remain joyful in a tough situation
Q8. Lock and key
(a) To lock something
(b) In safe place
(c) To avoid
(d) To apologize
Q9. Pore over
(a) Go through
(b) Reach to the lowest level
(c) To refund old dues
(d) Cheerful
Q10. In awe of
(a) Have no clear idea
(b) Respect
(c) In a precarious/dangerous position
(d) To take advantage of
1. Ans.(b)
2. Ans.(a)
3. Ans.(c)
4. Ans.(a)
5. Ans.(b)
6. Ans.(b)
7. Ans.(a)
8. Ans.(b)
9. Ans.(a)
10. Ans.(b)