1. To hit the jackpot
(a) To gamble
(b) To get an unexpected victory
(c) To be wealthy
(d) To make money unexpectedly
2. To let the cat out of the bag
(a) To give latitude
(b) To show compassion
(c) To miss a golden opportunity
(d) To tell a secret without intending to do so
3. To pay off old scores
(a) To have one’s revenge
(b) To settle a dispute
(c) To repay the old loan
(d) None of these
4. A cock-and-bull story
(a) A true story
(b) A children’s story
(c) A story of animals
(d) A foolish And concocted story
5. To beat the air
(a) To make frantic efforts
(b) To act foolishly
(c) To make efforts that are useless or vain
(d) To make every possible effort
6. To be a good Samaritan
(a) To be law-abiding
(b) A wise person
(c) A religious person
(d) A genuinely charitable person
7. To take a leaf out of somebody’s book
(a) To take him as a model
(b) To steal something valuable
(c) To follow the dictates of someone
(d) To conform to other’s standard
8. To set the thames on fire
(a) To do something remarkable
(b) To try to do the impossible
(c) To burn something to ashes
(d) To fling ironical remarks
9. To show one’s teeth
(a) To ridicule
(b) To face difficulties
(c) To adopt a threatening attitude
(d) To be humble
10. To pour oil in troubled water
(a) To foment trouble
(b) To add to the trouble
(c) To instigate
(d) To calm a quarrel with soothing words
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. A