As we all know that now a day’s in All Banking Exams and other competitive exams most of the English Sections were taken from Editorial pages. So it is essential to have a sound knowledge and understanding of English vocabulary. So here we are presenting you Vocabulary from “The Hindu”.

  1.  Imperious (adjective) – arrogant, commanding/dominating, authoritarian.
  2. Alienate (verb) – estrange, set/drive apart, divide/separate.
  3. Blip (noun) – a small/very short & temporary deviation.
  4. On account of (phrase) – because of, owing to, due to.
  5. Motley (adjective) – diverse, sundry, disparate.
  6. Erosion (noun) – destruction, deterioration, spoiling/weakening.
  7. Write off (phrasal verb) – disregard, dismiss, ignore (someone/something as insignificant).
  8. Scrape (through) (verb) – barely manage to succeed; just pass, narrowly achieve.
  9. Slip (verb) – decline, fall, worsen.
  10. Run-up to (noun) – a period/time before an important event.
  11. Vindication (noun) – justification, defense, demonstration/evidence.
  12. Jaded (adjective) – tired, weary, exhausted.
  13. Grievance (noun) – complaint, criticism, objection/protest.
  14. Jolt (noun) – shock, surprise, bombshell (an unpleasant one).
  15. Sweep (noun) – an instance of winning every place/contest.
  16. Dissatisfaction (noun) – discontent, disappointment, disaffection/disquiet.
  17. Pay the price (phrase) – to go through the unpleasant outcome of something which you have done earlier.


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