Computer Quiz for IBPS
1. Which registers can interact with secondary memory?
(A) Register
(B) Memory Address Register(MAR)
(C) Instruction Register(IR)
(D) None of the Above
2. Which Flip Flop is used to...
Computer Quiz for IBPS
1. The pattern of printed lines on most products are called ________
B. prices
C. bar codes
D. None of the Above
2. MICR stands for ____________
Computer Quiz for IBPS
1. Which input device is used to read information on a credit card?
A. Graphic Tablet
B. Numeric Keyboard
C. Bar Code reader
D. Magnetic Stripe reader
2. LCD...
Computer Quiz for IBPS
1. ________ is an input device that accepts input when the user places a ngertip on the computer screen.
A. Joy Stick
B. Light Pen
C. Trackball
D. Touch...
Computer Quiz for IBPS
1. Which language is used for Articial Intelligence (AI)?
(C) C
2. Who coined the term “Articial Intelligence”?
(A) Charles Babbage
(B) Alan Tuning
(C) Von...
Computer Quiz for IBPS
1. Instructions and data can be stored in the memory of Computer for automatically directing the ow of operations. It is called _____ concept.
(A) Objective...
Computer Quiz for IBPS
1. Which of the following is/are characteristics of Computer?
(A) Diligence
(B) Versatility
(C) Reliability
(D) All of the Above
2. Faulty inputs lead to faulty results. It is...
Computer Quiz for IBPS
1. Specialized programs that assist user in location information on the web are called__________
a) Data engines
b) Information engines
c) Web browsers
d) Resource locators
e) Search engines
2. Which...
Computer Quiz for IBPS
1. Which of the following is graphics solution for Word Processors__________
1) Clipart
2) WordArt
3) Drop Cap
4) All of above
5) None of these
2. The keystrokes Ctrl...
Computer Quiz for IBPS
1. Accumulator is a_________
(1) Hardwired unit
(2) Sequential circuit
(3) Finite state machine
(4) Register
(5) None of these
2. To minimize all open windows and display the desktop___________