
Improve the sentence English Quiz For Sbi PO | Sbi Clerk | LIC |...

Directions(1-15): A sentence or a part of the sentence is bold. Four alternatives are given as substitutions for the highlighted part, one of which...

Fill in the Blanks (new pattern) English Quiz For Sbi PO | Sbi Clerk...

Directions for Questions 1 to 15 : Read the paragraph and select the alternative which would complete the paragraph most appropriately. 1. In the evolving...

Fill in the Blanks (new pattern) English Quiz For Sbi PO | Sbi Clerk...

Directions for Questions 1 to 15 : The last line of each paragraph has been ommitted. Read the paragraph and select the alternative which...

Fill in the Blanks English Quiz For Sbi PO | Sbi Clerk | LIC...

1. More is __________. of conditions of the tribal’s in Maharashtra than __________ conditions of those in the other parts of the country. (a)certain,the (b)known,of (c) aware,...

Fill in the Blanks English Quiz For Sbi PO | Sbi Clerk | LIC...

1. The teacher must __________. The unique style of a learner in order to __________ it to the desired knowledge. (a)advocate, direct (b)perpetuate, develop (c) appreciate, focus (d)...

Parajumbles English Quiz For Sbi PO | Sbi Clerk | LIC | RRB |...

Directions for Questions 1 to 10: The sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a...

Parajumbles English Quiz For Sbi PO | Sbi Clerk | LIC | RRB |...

Directions(1-3): In the below given statements, 3 statements are in correct sequential order and remaining 2 statements are interchangeable. You have to find correct...

Error Spotting English Quiz For Sbi PO | Sbi Clerk | LIC | RRB...


Error Spotting English Quiz For Sbi PO | Sbi Clerk | LIC | RRB...

Direction (1-10): In each of the questions given below a sentence is given which is then divided into five parts out of which last...

Error Spotting English Quiz For Sbi PO | Sbi Clerk | LIC | RRB...

Spot the error in the following sentences: 1. The former diplomat talks about his academic life, (a)/ which began on a Malayalam medium school (b)/...
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Physics Notes For SSC CGL / CHSL Exam 2019-20 on :...

In science, motion is defined as a change in position. An object’s position is its location. MOTION ALONG A STRAIGHT LINE If an object changes its position with...