1. An area where wild birds or animals protected and encouraged to breed
(a) sanctuary
(b) asylum
(c) temple
(d) shrine
2. One who walks in sleep:
(a) dremer
(b) somnambulist
(c) neomatic
(d) ignorant
3. An instrument for measuring the force of the wind:
(a) manometer
(b) micrometer
(c) telescope
(d) anemometer
4. A speech made without preparation:
(a) prepared
(b) debate
(c) extempore
(d) elocution
5. Prohibited by law or treaty from being imported on exported:
(a) contraband
(b) smuggled
(c) counterfeit
(d) forged
1. (a)
2. (b)
3. (d)
4. (c)
5. (a)