In SSC and Banking exams you will find either direct questions to change active voice to passive voiceand vice-versa, or phrase replacement and error spotting questions.
Read the complete article to learn the Rules for Converting Active Passive Voice, Spotting Errors in passive voice sentences, etc. What’s more, by the end of this article, you will be able to able to write flawless essays and letters too!
Now let us study the types of active and passive voice, in detail.
Reasons for Using Different Types of Active and Passive Voice:
The usage and conversion of Active Passive Voice depend upon many factors like type of sentence, prepositions, gerunds, etc. of the active voice. Depending upon these factors, the use of various types of active and passive voice varies. Now let us understand when, why and how we need to change the form of passive and active voice.
#1. Change in the voice with two objects
A verb can have two forms of passive voices when it takes two objects: Indirect and Direct objects.Generally, the indirect object becomes the subject, but we can also use the direct object as the subject. Thus, two passive forms are possible in such a case.
Voice | Subject | Verb | Indirect Object | Direct Object |
Active | We | lent | Henry | some money. |
Passive form 1 | Henry | was lent | some money | by us. |
Passive form 2 | Some money | was lent | to Henry | by us. |
#2. Imperative Sentences
(a.) For orders and Commands we use the structure:
Let + Object + be + Past participle form of verb (V3)
Let the app be closed immediately.
(b.) For Advice and Request we use the structure:
You are requested + to + First form of verb (V1) + Object
You are requested to exchange all your 1000 and 500 rupees notes.
(c.) For sentences that start with ‘Let’ we use the structure:
Let + Object + be + Past participle form of verb (V3)
Let a selfie be taken by me.
#3. Prepositions in Active Voice
If a certain preposition follows the verb (e.g. laughed at, break into) in an active voice, we retain them as it is in the passive voice.
The baby was looked after by the girl
#4. Infinitives and Gerunds in Active Voice
Case 1: For sentences having infinitive we use the structure.
Subject + verb +object + to be + past participle form of verb (V3)
Jack wants a pail of water to be fetched by Jill.
Rita wishes a song to be performed.
Case 2: For sentences having gerund we use the structure.
Subject + verb + being + past participle form of verb (V3) + object
I remember being taken to the museum by my sister.
#5. ‘That’ clause in active voice
For sentences having gerund we use the structure:
It + Helping verb (present/past) + past participle form of verb (V3) + that + …
It is said that Trump will win the election.
Note : The tense of the sentence after ‘that’ clause remains as it is.