
Grammar booster of the day

'=>Could have + past participle ->Could have + past participle means that something was possible in the past, or you had the ability to do...

Government Scheme of the day

Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) ->Government proposes to set up 14 new AIIMS hospitals under PMSSY ================ The Union Government has proposed to establish an additional...

Word of the day

Soft Spot /ˈsɑːft ˈspɑːt/ noun ▫️plural soft spots ->Definition of SOFT SPOT 1 : a strong liking for someone or something — usually singular -He has a soft...

Phrasal verb of the day

object to ->Meaning: If you object to something, you don't think it's a good thing or a good idea, so you oppose it or you...

Common mistakes in Grammar

Using the wrong preposition ->Complain about, not for. Don't say: Annette complained for the weather. Say: Annette complained about the weather. Note: While talking about illness, we use complain...

Banking Term of the day

'->Acquiring Bank ---------------------- ▪In a merger, the bank that absorbs the bank acquired. ->Accrued interest ---------------------- ▪Interest due from issue date or from the last coupon payment date to...

Puzzle of the day

Six award functions – Stardust, Utsav, Filmfare, Indian Star, Super Star and Movie Ride were hosted by three males – Karan, John and Akshay...

Slang of the day

ump ->Meaning: umpire -For example: -The umps have to make difficult decisions, and they usually get them right. -"What's the matter with you, ump? Lost your seeing-eye dog,...

Vocabulary of the day

1. MORDANT (ADJECTIVE): sarcastic Synonyms: caustic, sardonic Antonyms: kind, nice Example Sentence: The mordant comedian offended many people with his scathing taunts. 2. ALTERCATION (NOUN): fight, often verbal Synonyms: brawl,...

Vocabulary of the day

1. MISCREANT (ADJECTIVE): immoral Synonyms: criminal, reprobate Antonyms: moral, good Example Sentence: They can force miscreant firms to cease trading. 2. RENDITION (NOUN ): explanation Synonyms: presentation, delivery Antonyms: failure, vagueness Example...
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