Government Organization of the day
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology
▪The Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology is a unit of Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, engaged...
Puzzle of the day
Each person among the ten people – Shantanu, Jai, Raghav, Dhiraj, Anurup, Farukh, Ankit, Neeraj, Mrudula and Nutan – are staying in a colony...
Phrasal verb of the day
come of
-Meaning: to be the result of an event or situation
-For example:
come of something
=>Did anything come of your job interview at the bank?
-come of...
Common mistakes in English
Using the wrong preposition
1. Believe in, not to.
Don't say: We believe to God.
Say: We believe in God.
Note : "To believe in" means to have...
Daily Vocabulary
1. FLACCID (ADJECTIVE): nerveless
Synonyms: enfeebled, debilitated
Antonyms: taut, firm
Example Sentence:
The patient’s condition is appearing as flaccid as at first.
2. CHICANERY (NOUN): dishonesty or fraud
Synonyms: Intrigue,...
Daily Grammar Booster
->Using the progressive
• In meaning 1, consider is often used in the progressive. You say:
->I am considering investing some money (=I am thinking about...
Idiom of the day
'=>right up your street
->Meaning: If something is right up your street, it would be perfect for you or ideal for your skills and interests.
Daily Grammar Booster
'->The past tense of “dive” is *dived* or *dove*: Jo *dived*/*dove* from her boat.
But for “drive,”
drived → wrong
drove → right
->Don’t use ALTHOUGH and BUT...
Daily Vocabulary
1. GULLIBLE (NOUN): naive
Synonyms: foolish, unsophisticated
Antonyms: astute, discerning
Example Sentence:
He is a gullible person.
2. DISCONTENTMENT (NOUN): dissatisfaction
Synonyms: disgruntlement, displeasure
Antonyms: delight, pleasure
Example Sentence:
He is filled with...
Government scheme of the day
Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojana
- The Union Ministry of Rural Development will launch Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojana (AGEY), a sub-scheme under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana –...