Banking term of the day

'=>Offer for Sale: ▪An offer to the public by, or on behalf of, the holders of securities already in issue. => Offer for Subscription: ▪The offer of new securities to the public by the issuer...

Puzzle of the day

There are eight people namely A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H who sit around a circular table facing towards or away from the centre. They like different ice...

Government Organization of the day

Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research =============== => About ▪️Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research(IGCAR) is one of India's premier nuclear research centres. It is the second largest establishment of the Department of Atomic...

Slang of the day

oi! =>Meaning: a sound used to attract someone's attention, like "hey!" ->For example: ->The coach noticed that some of his players weren't listening, so he said, "Oi! Are you lads listening to me, or...

Idiom of the day

'=>right up your street ->Meaning: If something is right up your street, it would be perfect for you or ideal for your skills and interests. -For example: ->I've found a job that should be...

Daily Grammar Booster

'->The past tense of “dive” is *dived* or *dove*: Jo *dived*/*dove* from her boat. But for “drive,” drived → wrong drove → right ->Don’t use ALTHOUGH and BUT in the same sentence: Although Jo is mean,...

Daily Vocabulary

1. GULLIBLE (NOUN): naive Synonyms: foolish, unsophisticated Antonyms: astute, discerning Example Sentence: He is a gullible person. 2. DISCONTENTMENT (NOUN): dissatisfaction Synonyms: disgruntlement, displeasure Antonyms: delight, pleasure Example Sentence: He is filled with discontentment. 3. CLASSIFIED (ADJECTIVE): top-secret Synonyms: confidential, restricted Antonyms: unconcealed,...

Government scheme of the day

Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojana ================= - The Union Ministry of Rural Development will launch Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojana (AGEY), a sub-scheme under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM). - AGEY aims...

Idiom of the day

'=>another string to your bow ->Meaning: If you have another string to your bow, you have another way of making a living. --For example: -Lots of people learn to teach English so they'll have...

Grammar booster of the day

'==>Need, require and want can be followed by the active or passive to-infinitives to express active or passive meanings, respectively: -I need to make a phone call. -Sometimes, people need to be told...
Google search engine

Government Scheme

Chemistry Notes For SSC CGL / CHSL Exam 2019-20 on :...

Chemistry is the science and study of matter, including its properties, composition as well as reactivity. Chemistry relates to everything that can be sensed...