Daily Vocabulary
1. FLACCID (ADJECTIVE): nerveless
Synonyms: enfeebled, debilitated
Antonyms: taut, firm
Example Sentence:
The patient’s condition is appearing as flaccid as at first.
2. CHICANERY (NOUN): dishonesty or fraud
Synonyms: Intrigue,...
Daily Vocabulary
1. GULLIBLE (NOUN): naive
Synonyms: foolish, unsophisticated
Antonyms: astute, discerning
Example Sentence:
He is a gullible person.
2. DISCONTENTMENT (NOUN): dissatisfaction
Synonyms: disgruntlement, displeasure
Antonyms: delight, pleasure
Example Sentence:
He is filled with...
Daily Vocabulary
1. SURREPTITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): sneaky, secret
Synonyms: clandestine, private
Antonyms: public, open
Example Sentence:
The pet has his surreptitious ways of stealing things behind my back.
Vocab of the day
1. CLAIRVOYANT (ADJECTIVE): intuitive, psychic
Synonyms: visionary, prophetic
Antonyms: real, moderate
Example Sentence:
You don't need to be a clairvoyant to see how this is going to turn...
Daily Vocabulary
1. REVENGE(NOUN): reaction to a wrong action
Synonyms: vengeance, retribution
Antonym: forgiveness, pardon
Example Sentence: Yes, I will take revenge from all the failures that I have...
Daily Vocabulary In Detail
1. UNDULY (ADVERB): improperly
Synonyms: unjustly, unfairly
Antonyms: fairly, justly
Example Sentence: The decision was unduly.
2. ROGUE (NOUN): A person who deceives
Synonyms: con, crook
Antonyms: naïve, gullible
Example Sentence:...